Supplier Email Templates (Brands/Distributors + LinkedIn)

59 ratings

The biggest struggle of new wholesale sellers is opening accounts. Suppliers won't even respond because 90% of sellers are clueless when it comes to appropriate outreach.

So I threw together my top 10 email templates that actually get responses. These are the exact email templates I used to open 400+ wholesale accounts.

Here's what you'll get:

📌 5 email templates for contacting brands

📌 5 email templates for contacting distributors

📌 BONUS: 3 templates for contacting decision makers at brands/distributors through LinkedIn

***Gumroad doesn't let me make the price free, only "pay what you want" so just enter $0 

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You'll get 10 email templates + 3 BONUS LinkedIn templates

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Supplier Email Templates (Brands/Distributors + LinkedIn)

59 ratings
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